Monday, March 3, 2008

Oprah's Biggest Giveaway

Do you remember a few years back when Tuesdays used to be devoted to spiritual topics on "The Oprah Winfrey Show?" I do. It's the one day a week I would plan to watch. Until recently, when I did have time to tune in, I'd mostly be disappointed by yet another "celebrity" interview or silly fashion show. Supposedly, Oprah knuckled under to her producers' cries that the show was losing viewers and sponsor support for being too "religious." I must say that my opinion of Oprah dipped quite low, although I did hold out hope that she would bring back more important topics.

Well, by offering her free class with Eckhart Tolle, which begins tonight, she has redeemed herself big time in my eyes. Perhaps she needed to wait until there was a big enough groundswell of interest, a very possible tipping point, before she could really commit herself and her resources on a worldwide level, to something other than fiction.

I am halfway through A New Earth and have just re-read Chapter 1 in preparation for the first class tonight. I'm very, very excited about the possibility for mass transformation that this book and this class offer.

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