Tuesday, November 25, 2008

To Your Health

The season has begun. No, I'm not talking about the holidays. I'm thinking about the cold and flu season. I've already encountered several germ infested folks who've warned "Don't touch me! Don't hug or kiss me! I'm sick."

After the initial contraction, I always remind myself that I am not accepting illness. That helps a lot.

If we do manage to contract a cold or the flu this year, let's not succumb to the usual notion that the world cannot operate without our rushing back to life per usual. Intead, let's make a pact to
crawl into bed or cover up on the sofa and actually receive any offers for help. Heck, let's ask for help!

Drink lots of warm liquids and REST. Use the opportunity to listen to our bodies for messages about this particular downtime and why we need it.

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